Lord Cheese

CRank: 5Score: 10100

well thats no surprise, most of your posts are as rabid as his. You're just as bad a fanboy as he his. (Although i'll hold my hands up and say the third person wierdness can be slightly entertaining)

Fact is, i couldnt care less if hes referring to the 360 or the ps3 - his comments are usually without any basis in fact, and barely qualify as opinion as they are just hate filled nonsense. Anyone coming out with statements like he does, be it someone who loves the 360 or ps3 real...

6088d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

no, poetic justice would actually be all the damn fanboys wrecking this website being buried by a massive quantity of the console they hate on.

6088d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

i quite liked the original - it was like gta on cheesy hollywood steroids - hope the next one gets a bit more variety in there!

6088d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Halo news. What happens - first post by a trolling fand!ck.

People like you are wrecking this site.

6088d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

oh look, what a shocker. A piece of admittedly far from positive news, and what happens - that tw4t DarkSniper appears again and acts like anyone wants to hear what he has to say.

I wont defend any 360 fanboys either, they are just as bad, but for gods sake - if your console is so great, where do you find the time to troll and ruin n4g?

I wont even begin to explain how ridiculous you sound when you claim any big corporation "cares" about the consumer. ...

6088d ago 2 agree10 disagreeView comment

its now gotten to the stage where NO news can be published without someone using it as an excuse to come out with stupid comments about their chosen consoles rival.

its sad and pathetic. What can you possibly have to gain other than to turn a website which provides a valuable means of reading up on gaming news into a haven for fanboy flamewars?

This article is a perfect example. Half the posts are from ps3 fanboys/owners who see it as a perfect reason to start o...

6088d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

ok - dumb question - whats the diff between FFXIII and FFXIII versus? Its completely passed me by...

6088d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

why not someone just check the ubisoft website and stop the dumb fanboy wars?

6088d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You certainly know how to drone on for ages without actually making a point, dont you. Worst thing is, you only appear on articles that are negative towards microsoft. I bet you dont even have a games console at all. Reading your posts almost makes you like microsoft - if only to support them in finding where you live, and somehow silencing you permanently.

Wait a minute, are you some sort of wierd clone produced from a mixture of genetic material from Ken kutaragi and Steve Jo...

6089d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wonder why m$ dont just change the ring colour code on the new models - thats one way to make sure everyone forgets the RROD - BROWN RING OF DEATH FTW!

6089d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

surprised sony didnt do this sooner - to be fair sony need to push the ps3 more all round - not getting enough ad coverage in the UK in my opinion..

6090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well the demo i played (admittedly on the 360) was like a bad cod4 clone. So ps3 owners wont be missing much anyway.

6090d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

borrowed prostreet from a friend and...well....its pretty cack to be honest. the drag comps suck, the racing is ridiculously easy, and the drift challenges are stupid.

Give me gran turismo or project gotham any day.

6090d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i've ordered the 360 version, only cos its £10 cheaper for the ltd edition. I was tempted by the ps3 version, simply bcos of the rumour of the hdd install almost completely eliminating load times, but that doesnt seem to have been reflected in many reviews...

6090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is there anything for psn that is similar to majornelson.com for live? An rss feed indicating things added to the psn store would be great - its very frustrating having to piece together whats being added from loads of different places! :O)

6090d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I take offence at that comment. I was making a point about my own opinion. I wasnt trying to convince anyone that my opinion was right, i wasnt ranting without basis, and i certainly wasnt slagging anything off - its personal opinion, nothing more. Its the mark of a fanboy when you cant accept that someone in the world doesnt idolise the a game on your precious console, and that someones opinion is different to yours.

So i prefer gears of war to resistance. I'm sure plenty of p...

6090d ago 8 agree7 disagreeView comment

i think i must be in a minority here, but i really didnt rate RFOM at all. I've not finished it yet, but i'm more inclined to re-play games i've already finished than bother completing it.

It just played (for me at least) like an average cod2 clone with wierd alien weapons. Graphics were ok (not groundbreaking, but it was early in the ps3's life so thats to be expected) and the story (what i've seen of it at least) was clever but not earthshattering.

I'm definate...

6090d ago 7 agree18 disagreeView comment

What a dumbass fanboy you are. "People have made videos mocking halo 3's AI" - oh my god. Not VIDEOS! It must be true if people have made youtube videos.

Get a life mate. Whats the point in bashing other games? Are you completely incapable of judging a game on its own merits rather than trying to big it up by comparing it to games on another console and deliberately trying to discredit them?

Have you noticed how so many sony fankids spend half their liv...

6090d ago 3 agree14 disagreeView comment

that is the most ignorant fanboy comment i have ever heard. People like you shouldnt even be allowed consoles - you give gamers a bad name.

6090d ago 8 agree10 disagreeView comment

cant say i agree with you there..

Halo 1: Too many repeated sections in levels and the library was the most ghastly level i've played in an fps.

Halo 2: Better weapons, more vehicles to play with, story a bit crappy, online multiplayer great fun, but weapon balance wasnt really right

Halo 3: All the above more or less fixed. Graphics could have been improved but it did stay in keeping with the previous games art styles which (in my opinion) is good...

6090d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment